Create new React App with TypeScript Template
June 16, 2021
How to create a new React App using TypeScript with help of npx create-react-app. We can easily create...
TypeScript: Generic type definitions
June 15, 2021
Generic type definitions in TypeScript are useful in certain cases with function definitions. In some cases the function...
TypeScript: Type Definition for Functions
June 14, 2021
In typescript, we have to define types for a function definition. It may include type definitions for function...
To avoid duplication or repeated type definitions, we have the type alias in TypeScript. We can do this...
Union Type definition in TypeScript allows us to have multiple types for a variable. For example, we can...
TypeScript tries to infer as many types as possible by default in certain cases. It tries to know...
Lets look into basic types in typescript and its common usages with examples. We will be checking out...
How to save data to browser storage in our React JS App. If we are storing the data...
Terminal Command to check Current React Version
React JS
June 5, 2021
Check the current version of React installed in the system using the terminal command. npm command that can...
How to use Roboto-Bold Font in CSS
June 2, 2021
Use the Bold variant of Robot Font in CSS for web. Add Roboto font to the webpage style...