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Use Tanstack React Query for Local State Management

Use react query for state management. Sharing data across components. Example Use cases import { useQuery } from...

Supabase Auth: Get Currently logged user id

Get the user id of current active user in supabase. Supabase auth logged user's id get. Supabase next...

How to Import Images in React

How to import an image in React JS project. Using an image in React App code.

JavaScript: Extracting ID from URL – Splitting Strings

How to extract an ID from a given URL in Node JS App? Get ID from GET request...

CSS Media Query Break Point – Sample Code

CSS breakpoints for Laptops, Desktops, Tablets, and Smartphones. Responsive design breakpoints CSS Media Query sample codes. /* Extra...

React JS: Create utility functions formatting currency

How to format currency in React JS App. Create Utility functions in React app for formating the currency...

React Bootstrap – Card with Image and Title Example Code

Create a card with a title using bootstrap CSS in React. React bootstrap card example code - card...

React JS: Import and use JSON data from .json File

How to import JSON file data in React JS APP. Get data from json file and render inside...