The search bar is an important component of websites with lots of pages. We can easily implement the search box in the header of our website using the React Bootstrap library. Here is the sample code of the search box that can be used in your react js app.
Here is what we are going to build using react-bootstrap. We have a location selection input box, we use the form, form-control class components of bootstrap. We have an input text field where we can enter the search query. Also, we have a search button with a search icon. The search icon is created using the SVG code.
React App Website: Search Bar – Final output

We need to install the react bootstrap package in our react app to use the below code.
Install React Bootstrap
npm i react-bootstrap bootstrap
React Bootstrap Input Search Box with Location – Full Code
import React from "react"; import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup'; import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form'; import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row'; import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col'; import Container from 'react-bootstrap/Container'; function Header(){ return( <header className="App-header"> <Container fluid className="p-3"> <Row> <Col sm={4}> <a className="navbar-brand" href="/#"> <img src="images/logo.png" alt="" name="logo image" width="230" height="40" className="d-inline-block align-top" /> </a> </Col> <Col sm={8}> <Form> <Form.Row> <Col> <InputGroup> <InputGroup.Prepend> <InputGroup.Text> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 0c-4.198 0-8 3.403-8 7.602 0 4.198 3.469 9.21 8 16.398 4.531-7.188 8-12.2 8-16.398 0-4.199-3.801-7.602-8-7.602zm0 11c-1.657 0-3-1.343-3-3s1.343-3 3-3 3 1.343 3 3-1.343 3-3 3z"/></svg> </InputGroup.Text> </InputGroup.Prepend> <Form.Label className="mr-sm-2" htmlFor="inlineFormCustomSelect" srOnly> Preference </Form.Label> <Form.Control as="select" className="mr-sm-2" id="inlineFormCustomSelect" custom > <option value="0">London</option> <option value="1">Dubai</option> <option value="2">Cairo</option> <option value="3">New York</option> </Form.Control> </InputGroup> </Col> <Col xs={5}> <Form.Control placeholder="Search anything in London" /> </Col> <Col> <button type="button" className="btn btn-warning"> <svg width="15px" height="15px"> <path d="M11.618 9.897l4.224 4.212c. 1.46c-.08.08-.222.072-.314-.02L9.868 11.66M6.486 10.9c-2.42 0-4.38-1.955-4.38-4.367 0-2.413 1.96-4.37 4.38-4.37s4.38 1.957 4.38 4.37c0 2.412-1.96 4.368-4.38 4.368m0-10.834C2.904.066 0 2.96 0 6.533 0 10.105 2.904 13 6.486 13s6.487-2.895 6.487-6.467c0-3.572-2.905-6.467-6.487-6.467 "></path> </svg> </button> </Col> </Form.Row> </Form> </Col> </Row> </Container> </header> ); } export default Header;