Author: smartcoder

Understanding Variable Shadowing in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you might create a new variable with the same name as an old one. This is tricky for beginners. For example, you... Read more »

How to Take Input in Dart: A Simple Guide

Taking input in Dart is a crucial skill for any budding programmer. This guide will walk you through the process in a simple manner. Begin... Read more »

Secure Your Fastify App: Simple Predefined JWT Token Verification

Fastify is a popular Node.js web framework known for its speed and flexibility. When building APIs, security is paramount. This blog post dives into... Read more »

Conquer Your Coding Interview: Top 30 Git Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Mastering Git is a must-have skill for modern developers. It's not just about version control; it showcases your ability to collaborate effectively. Acing your... Read more »

Fastify Cron Job for Scheduling Tasks Monthly, Daily

This blog post dives into the world of Fastify cron jobs, equipping you with the knowledge and code to schedule tasks and automate actions... Read more »

Fastify : Razorpay Webhook Signature validation

How to handler Razorpay Webhooks with signature validation Firstly create a webhook, for local testing make use of ngrok port forwaring. Fastify Backend Code... Read more »

AWS S3 File Upload using Fastify Multipart Example Code

Example code of File uploading to Amazon S3 using node fastify backend. Fastify uses Fastify multipart for image/ file uploading. Fastify Route - fileUpload.route.ts... Read more »

Mantine UI : Button Padding Change

How to customize button padding in Mantine UI Button component. Mantine UI core button padding customization code. styles={{ root: { padding: 5, margin: 0,... Read more »

Align Left Button Contents – Mantine UI Button

Align Left the contents in a button like icon, button text in mantine UI. Customizing Mantine button styles styles={{ inner: { justifyContent: 'flex-start' }... Read more »

Fastify Route, Handler, Service Codes

Fastify Route code server.get( "/googlelink/:id", { schema: { params: $Sref("idParamsSchema"), }, }, fetchGoogleUrlBySurveyIdHandler ); Fastify sample controller code export async function fetchGoogleUrlBySurveyIdHandler( request: FastifyRequest<{... Read more »