How to add custom styling to the material UI AppBar component in our React JS App. Material UI package is very useful for easily building beautiful UI components. These components come with a default styling and they can be overridden by our custom style.
Let’s check out how to customize the default style of the app bar by using an example. In the below example we are creating a sample header using AppBar. And as part of customizing we gonna change the color and height of the header.
Default Style of AppBar
AppBar Style Customization Code
import { AppBar, Toolbar, makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core"; const useStyle = makeStyles({ header: { background: "#2874f0", height: 55, }, }); const Header = () => { const classes = useStyle(); return ( <AppBar className={classes.header}> <Toolbar></Toolbar> </AppBar> ); }; export default Header;