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CRACO Package – To override Create React App Config

CRACO is an amazing npm package that helps to override the default config of React's CRA. We can...

Material UI Custom Css Parent to Child Selector

How to use CSS selector - parent to child in Material UI make styles in React App? MUI...

Globally Override Material UI CSS – React App

How to override Material UI CSS globally? Reference: src/templates/TemplateProvider.js import { createContext } from 'react'; import {...

Routing in React – react-router-dom

Routing in our React app can be easily implemented with the help of the react-router-dom package. Routing basically...

Banner Slider for React App – Material UI Carousal

Sliding banners are very commonly seen on most websites. We may also have the requirement of implementing the...

map() function in React JavaScript – return statement

How to use map function in our React app to map the data of array. Different ways to...

Customize AppBar styling in Material UI React App

How to add custom styling to the material UI AppBar component in our React JS App. Material UI...

How to Override Material UI CSS Styles React App

Override the default CSS style of any of the Material UI components in our React JS App. Material...