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Flutter: String Interpolation – Dynamic Values inside Strings

Using dynamic values stored inside variables, inside a string. We can utilize the string interpolation feature in flutter...

Flutter Animation : Hero Widget Sample Code

Hero Animation is popular in which an image flies from one screen to another. This can be easily...

Add image src dynamically in React JS App

Use dynamic data inside the src url in react JS . How to use data from variables or...

Map JSON, Javascript Object data to React Component – Code

We can easily map the JSON / JS object data to React component using Map function. Here is...

React Bootstrap – Search Bar Input Box Code, With Location List

The search bar is an important component of websites with lots of pages. We can easily implement the...

Flutter Lists – Create, Update, Push, Loop Sample Codes

List in flutter is a collection of objects with a length. How to create a List in Flutter....

Key-Value Pairs – Maps in Flutter Dart Sample Codes

Maps in Flutter are used to store data as Key-Value pairs. So that the data can be access...

API to get Live CryptoCurrency Prices – Bitcoin Price

Get the latest prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin etc. using an API. We can easily get...

Install and Use Bootstrap CSS with React

Boostrap is an amazing css framework, using which we can easily design our React app. Using the bootstrap...

React Component With Props – Sample Code

React App can be made more modular using the components. Repetitive parts of the app can be extracted...