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Blank Url # href issue fix – React JS

How to fix the href="#" not working issue in React JS. Converting html code to React app -...

Mongo DB – Database Designing and Modelling

Mongo DB is one of the most popular Database these days. Its a no SQL database. In this...

Building a MERN Stack App

Building a MERN Stack Javascipt App. In this tutorial we will be building a Java script using Node,...

Using State in React App – React Hook

State in React is used to store information, it is an object of a component. The state holds...

Best Chrome Extensions for React JS App Developers

Chrome Extension gives more funtionality to our browser. These functionalities help use to easily develop apps, test it....

Flutter: Generate Platform Specific UI – Android / iOS

Generate UI element in flutter app based on whether the running in iOS or Android. Check if the...

Flutter: Generate Dropdown List from List Data

Creating a dropdown list for selecting an item from a list. Create a dropdown button in flutter and...

Flutter: iOS CupertinoPicker Implementation Code

CupertinoPicker is an iOS feature that is used to pick and item from a list. It provides a...

VS Code Shortcut – Wrap with tag / code

Wrap the code with a tag outside it. For example image we have a <p> html paragraph block...

VS Code Extension for React JS Coding

Coding React JS can be made more easy and smooth on VS code editor with the help of...