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Mantine UI – Notification with loader and update

Notify data update with notification - Mantine UI loader and then success or failure message notification with icons....

Mantine UI : Custom style for mobile device

How to give custom css for mobile devices using mantine UI, React JS app example. import { useMediaQuery...

Next Router – Reference

Next JS Routing examples Router.push import React from 'react' import { useRouter } from "next/router"; const Members =...

Mantine UI – Search Box for React App Code

Search Box made with mantine ui code, Search Box and Share Button <Group> <Input icon={<IconSearch size={16} />} variant="filled"...

Mantine UI – Loader in Page Center

Loading icon in Mantine ui with react js const loaderStyle: React.CSSProperties = { position: 'fixed' as 'fixed', left:...

React JS – Mantine UI – Error notification Code with Icon

Display error notifications with icon, title, and error message in your React JS App using Mantine ui notifications....

Mantine UI – React – Success Notification

Mantine Ui notification with success check mark import { IconCheck } from "@tabler/icons-react"; import { notifications } from...

Mantine UI – onBlur, onChange not working TextInput, Input – Solution

Fix or solution for not working of onBlur and onChange in Mantine UI forms. How to trigger onBlur,...

Mantine UI – Using theme colors

How to use theme colors in mantine UI for styling in css, custom styles borderColor: theme.colors.yellow[6], Full Example...

Customize Input Box , Text Input in Mantine UI

How to add custom css style for input box , texfields in mantine UI. Mantine UI text box...