Navbar component code for React JS Apps. React Navbar with links to different components using react-router. Navbar with...
SVG code of cart icon for a shopping cart. Cart icon code for React App example. Shopping cart...
Routing In React – react router dom
React JS
June 24, 2022
How to do routing in React App using react-router-dom. Creating pages and routing in react js example using...
Create a React JS App using Vite
React JS
June 23, 2022
Initialize and build a React JS project using Vite. Use Vite instead of creating react app. Vite commands...
Vite + React – Live Project on Web Browser
React JS
June 20, 2022
Try out React js project using Vite instead of the create react app. Vite is latest and advanced...
React Bootstrap – Make Navbar Sticky
June 15, 2022
How to make React bootstrap navbar sticky. Bootstrap navbar sticky code for React JS Apps. To make the...
Optional chaining (?.) in JavaScript Examples
June 11, 2022
What is the use of ?. operator in Javascript. Using ? with variables and objects in javascript codes....
Fix: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘map’)
React JS
June 10, 2022
React JS map function throwing error cannot read properties of null solution. How to fix map function null...
Empty variable example in Javascript. Undefined variable example in Javascript. How to declare a variable with no value...
JavaScript: Check if null variable, object
June 8, 2022
How to check if a variable is null in JavaScript? How to check if an object is null...