Master Branch and Side Branch in Git

In git, there can be many branches. Master Branch is the main branch in git. It’s kept safe without breaking. New experiments and testing functionalities are tried out by creating a sub-branch (side branch).

The side branch is the experimental branch derived from the main branch. Experimental code gets committed to the side branch. Once the code is working great then it can be merged to the master branch.

In the above picture 1 – 2 – 3 is the master branch.

3 – 4 is the side branch (experimental code) – its then merged to the master branch once finalised.

git log

This command can be used to find the current branch.

Git command for creating new Branch from Master Branch

git branch name_of_branch

examples of git branches:

git branch develop

git branch feature

git branch hot-fix

git branch QA

git branch smc-feature-login

Git command to Get list of Branches

git branch

It will list all the branches. Also highlight the current active branch.

Git command to checkout to new Branch

git checkout name_of_branch

eg: git checkout develop

After checking out to the new branch, we can make changes to codes and then commit.

Now try, git log to view the changes in branches.

It will list the branches.

How to Merge side branch to Master Branch

In order to merge the sub branch to the master branch, firstly we have to checkout to the master branch.

git checkout master

Then we need to perform the merge command.

git merge name_of_branch

eg: git merge develop

Now a text editor may open in the terminal. Its for the merge message.

We can exit that editor by the following command: :q!

Its done.

Now verify by using git log in the master branch.

Then it can be pushed to the server using:

git push origin master -u

In github website , If we go to Insights -> graph -> network menu of the repository, we can see the graphical representation.

About the Author: smartcoder

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